Our incubator’s collaborators with the Inclusion in Northern Research project are back for another iteration and we’re excited to be invited to be part of these amazing and much-anticipated sessions. This year’s theme will feature a special topic, ReCreating Environments of Inclusion: Northern Research.
So join us this week for the ArcticNet Annual Scientific Meetings!
What will we be doing for our first event as an incubator for digital and cultural entrepreneurship? We’re going to present our very first participatory project!
Recreating Environments of Inclusion: Northern Research is a unique, evolving audio visual series featuring the Inclusion in Northern Research knowledge exchange community; and debuts an equity and inclusion toolkit with tangible actions for research and impact creation communities, and their emerging, collaborative partnerships.
Recreating Environments of Inclusion: Northern Research is an original transformation design creation from the ongoing Recreators series by LembasWorks. This year’s conversations saw Northern and Southern scientists, researchers, cultural impact creators and community builders outline experiential challenges and bridge their insights into required solutions for co-creating a collaborative impact movement to address planetary challenges being faced in Arctic and Sub-Arctic regions.
We thank ArcticNet Network Centre of Excellence; the Arctic Buying Company; Lembas Works; Sentinel North for their support in making this project and its many collaborations possible.
Part 1: Recreating Environments of Inclusion with Catherine Girard
Part one features Dr. Catherine Girard from the Microbial Heritage Lab at the Université du Québec à Chicoutimi Department of Fundamental Sciences. Focusing on the North and at the intersection of environmental studies and human health, the lab endeavours to develop collaborative research projects with Northern communities in the areas of studies human-associated and environmental microbiomes.
Part 2: Recreating Environments of Inclusion with Maeva Gauthier
Maeva Gauthier is a PhD Candidate in Geography and Research Assistant for the UNESCO Chair in Community-based Research and Social Responsibility in Higher Education. For her PhD, she is using Participatory Video as a tool to engage Arctic communities around global change, such as plastics in the environment, climate change and what it means for the youth in Tuktoyaktuk.
Originally from Quebec, she moved to Victoria to complete a MSc in Marine Ecology (Univ. of Victoria) after a BSc in biology (Univ. of Quebec in Montreal). Her interest for the poles started with expeditions to the Antarctic and the Arctic in 2009, and she has been going back to the Arctic multiple times ever since. She is also the co-founder of Live It, which provides K-12 online educational content about nature. For more information, visit Maeva’s website.
Part 3: Recreating Environments of Inclusion with Paul Sokoloff
As a senior research assistant in the botany and a member of the Arctic Flora of Canada and Alaska project, Paul Sokoloff’s work boils down to cataloguing plant and lichen biodiversity in the Arctic and beyond. On any given day, he may be in a faraway place doing field work, in the museum’s herbarium studying specimens, or taking part in outreach activities on behalf of the museum.
In the quest for science, he’s had his clothes stolen in southern Labrador, flipped over a canoe full of samples in New Brunswick’s Jacquet River, and hiked to the top of McGill Mountain on Ellesmere Island while wearing rubber boots.
Part 4: Recreating Environments of Inclusion with Marie-José Naud
Part 5: Recreating Environments of Inclusion with Jamie Bell
We are grateful to each contributor for informing this toolkit, and committing to aware action as one ecosystem. Join our conversation and contribute your own insights and actions with #InclusionNorthernResearch #RecreatorsDesigns on social media.
Upcoming Conferences
Race and Systemic Bias in Arctic Sciences Cross-Cutting Workshop –
March 19-26, 2022, Tromso, Norway – Winnipeg, Manitoba — Cancelled until 2023
In March 2021, Inclusion in Northern Research released the second installment of its highly-successful experimental Vox Pops in Northern Inclusion initiative for Arctic Science Summit Week, hosted virtually from Lisbon Portugal. This joint session, in partnership with the University of Cardiff successfully advocated for and was awarded 12,381 Euros in funding towards a joint race and systemic bias cross-cutting workshop, which will take place March 19, 2022 in Tromsø, Norway.
This international co-developed workshop titled “Towards an Inclusive Arctic Research Community.” is being designed in collaboration with Cardiff University, the UK British Antarctic Survey, the US Interagency Arctic Research Policy Committee (IARPC), the University of Alberta and will be hosted with support from The Arctic University of Norway, the Norwegian Polar Institute and The Research Council of Norway.
*update this event was cancelled and postponed until 2023.
Auviqsaqtut: the 22nd Inuit Studies Conference
Cancelled – Event moved to June 19-21, 2022
Winnipeg Art Gallery, Winnipeg, Manitoba