SDG 1 aims to end poverty in all its forms everywhere by 2030. Despite significant progress, millions of people worldwide still live in extreme poverty, facing challenges like lack of access to basic services, education, and economic opportunities. Achieving this goal involves ensuring equal access to resources, promoting inclusive economic growth, and addressing the underlying causes of poverty, such as inequality, climate change, and conflict. By eradicating poverty, we can pave the way for greater health, education, and opportunity, ensuring that no one is left behind. Listed here are stories and examples of how we work to live up to the Sustainable Development Goals through activities and action.

Flooding destroyed the lower level of the Dyment Recreation Hall in 2022, disrupting many activities and programs.

From Ruin to Renewal

In June 2022, just as Art Borups Corners’ Canada Council for the Arts Digital Greenhouse-funded Digital Arts and Cultural Entrepreneurship Incubator pilot program was gaining momentum, disaster struck.

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This summer the Youth, Arts and Media Team are learning essential tips for growing beans and embarking on a journey toward sustainable gardening. Discover the benefits of cultivating your own nutritious and delicious vegetables.

Growing Our Own Beans!

Learn essential tips for growing beans and embark on a journey toward sustainable gardening. Discover the benefits of cultivating your own nutritious and delicious vegetables.

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In the coming months, our project will be reaching out, building relationships and engaging with organizations, programs and models that can help inform the design and development of a professional commercial kitchen, Indigenous "food lab" and outdoor "living lab" community garden.

November 2023 Project Update

It’s been a busy few months. Here is our project update as we move into November, 2023. It’s the month we’ve been waiting for as, after more than six months of dedicated planning, Art Borups Corners will officially start its programming.

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