consultation and engagement

In the coming months, our project will be reaching out, building relationships and engaging with organizations, programs and models that can help inform the design and development of a professional commercial kitchen, Indigenous "food lab" and outdoor "living lab" community garden.

November 2023 Project Update

It’s been a busy few months. Here is our project update as we move into November, 2023. It’s the month we’ve been waiting for as, after more than six months of dedicated planning, Art Borups Corners will officially start its programming.

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On Wednesday, October 19, 2023 we met with Maeva Gauthier, a PhD candidate with the University of Victoria Community Based Research Lab and a research assistant with the UNESCO Chair for Community Based Research and Social Responsibility in Higher Education

Farming and Food Security: Meeting Live It Earth

In our meeting, we shared ideas about creating some curriculum and got to check out their awesome Food: Farming and Food Security program. In addition to educational videos, the program provides challenges, opportunities to learn more about food security, and other resources.

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The ERC Advanced Grant Project “Building Arctic Futures: Transport Infrastructures and Sustainable Northern Communities” (InfraNorth) is being realized at the University of Vienna and runs from January 2021 to December 2025. It explores how residents of the Arctic engage with transport infrastructures and their intended and unintended local consequences.

Connecting with Manitoba Research: InfraNorth

There is a really cool research project doing work in Manitoba. It’s a European Research Council Advanced Grant Project called “Building Arctic Futures: Transport Infrastructures and Sustainable Northern Communities” (InfraNorth).

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Exploring project possibilities through Emergent Design

There are a lot of different qualities such as learning, alignment, innovation, and inclusion that are highly sought after on projects like ours. However, these qualities are often not directly attainable; they emerge from an intricate web of both implicit and explicit design choices. 

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Our first summer planning meeting

On July 1, 2022 we held our very first meeting of Art Borups Corners. The meeting was held outside, on a beautiful day at Chocolatier Constance Popp, one of our favourite places our artists and cultural entrepreneurship projects had been meeting at throughout the pandemic.

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