A special webinar will be taking place on January 29, 2025. This webinar, hosted jointly by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Department of Nuclear Energy, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Nuclear Energy, and the Energy Communities Alliance (ECA) will provide information on the Plans, progress and key factors for managing and deposing the spent nuclear fuel in Sweden with stakeholder involvement.
This 1.5-hour webinar is part of an ongoing series exploring global progress toward sustainable solutions for high-level waste and spent nuclear fuel disposal. Open to the public, the session will provide participants with the opportunity to engage directly with speakers through an interactive Q&A via webinar chat. The webinar will run from 4:00 to 5:30 p.m. Central European Time, which is 9:00 a.m. in Northwestern Ontario and Winnipeg time.
Featured Speakers
The panel will include leading experts from SKB, the organization responsible for Sweden’s radioactive waste management, as well as the elected local official of Östhammar, the host community for the upcoming DGR. This is a great opportunity for people in Northwestern Ontario to understand how other communities are approaching the subject of Deep Geological Repositories. Speakers include:
- Anni Fritzell, Manager of Research and Post-Closure Safety, SKB, Sweden
- Fredrik De la Gardie, Funding Expert, SKB, Sweden
- Anna Porelius, Head of Communication, SKB, Sweden
- Fabian Sjöberg, Mayor of Östhammar, Sweden
- Erik Lindgren, Project Director, Spent Nuclear Fuel Repository, SKB, Sweden
Guiding the discussion will be experts from international organizations and government agencies:
- Marla Morales, Director, Office of Consent-Based Siting, US DOE/Office of Nuclear Energy, USA
- Seth Kirshenberg, Executive Director, Energy Communities Alliance (ECA), USA
- Stefan Mayer, Team Leader, Radioactive Waste Disposal, IAEA
The webinar will cover a range of critical topics, highlighting Sweden’s approach to achieving sustainable nuclear waste management. Key agenda points include:
- An overview of SKB’s nuclear waste management program and recent developments;
- Insights into funding the nuclear waste management program and addressing key cost drivers;
- Strategies for building and maintaining social acceptance, including how to gain and manage public trust;
- A community perspective on the journey toward a DGR in Östhammar, led by Mayor Fabian Sjöberg;
- Lessons learned from the construction of SKB’s spent nuclear fuel repository and success factors for the future.
This session promises to be an exceptional opportunity to learn from Sweden’s internationally acclaimed nuclear waste management program, while exploring the critical role of community engagement and trust-building in hosting long-term solutions.
Don’t miss this chance to hear from the experts leading the way toward sustainable and secure nuclear waste disposal. Register now to secure your spot and participate in this important global conversation.