Planning: Aligning Activities to Thematic Priorities

The Niriqatiginnga project is being designed to align with the thematic priorities of the Sustainable Development Working Group (SDWG), Manitoba Agriculture’s Sustainable Canadian Agriculture Partnership, and the UArctic Thematic Networks in the areas of food security, food sovereignty, and economic reconciliation in the following ways:

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Exploring project possibilities through Emergent Design

There are a lot of different qualities such as learning, alignment, innovation, and inclusion that are highly sought after on projects like ours. However, these qualities are often not directly attainable; they emerge from an intricate web of both implicit and explicit design choices. 

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Read more about the article Research and Resilience: Looking back at the Arviat Film Society
Dr. Zacharias Kunuk, O.C. mentors Inuit youth from the Arviat Film Society in storytelling and filmmaking.

Research and Resilience: Looking back at the Arviat Film Society

It is important that communities have the tools and skills to tell their own stories so that they have the power to construct and communicate their own identity. Arviat Film Society (AFS) has aimed to do this. It was a small, non-profit, youth and community-driven film society.

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