Explore how the OpenAI Researcher Access Program is revolutionizing Indigenous community empowerment, leveraging advanced AI tools to address food security challenges and safeguard cultural heritage in northern regions.

OpenAI Researcher Access Program support for Northern Youth Arts, Food Security Projects

Explore how the OpenAI Researcher Access Program is supporting Indigenous artists and youth to leverage advanced AI tools to address food security challenges and safeguard cultural heritage in northern regions.

Tapping into the transformative capabilities of artificial intelligence (AI) technologies, Northern Indigenous youth artists and community researchers from Niriqatiginnga are preparing to significantly magnify their impact with state-of-the-art AI tools, made possible through the generous support of the OpenAI Researcher Access Program.

Niriqatiginnga’s acceptance into the OpenAI Researcher Access Program will provide additional momentum to the non-profit organization’s activities. As part of this program, the project team will gain access to OpenAI’s advanced artificial intelligence models, such as the GPT-4. The Youth, Arts, and Media team will leverage this support in areas such as northern food insecurity, data sovereignty, and Indigenous cultural expressions.

The timing of this collaboration is particularly exciting, as it coincides with the launch of the Indigenous Intellectual Property Survey by the Youth, Arts, and Media Team. This survey aims to gather insights from businesses in Northern regions, highlighting the importance of inclusive and respectful business environments in upholding Indigenous rights.

OpenAI Researcher Access Program to Support Northern Indigenous Youth-led Project

OpenAI’s Researcher Access Program facilitates exploring the societal impacts of AI by tackling questions surrounding its measurement and its varying effects on different domains and demographics. At the same time, it emphasizes interdisciplinary research, exploring how insights from fields such as arts, philosophy, cognitive science, and sociolinguistics can enrich AI development, fostering a more comprehensive understanding of its implications and ensuring responsible technological advancement.

Combining AI-driven research with community-based participatory arts entrepreneurship, workshops, and educational initiatives, Niriqatiginnga plans to raise awareness about Indigenous Intellectual Property (IIP) rights and Indigenous Cultural Expressions (ICEs).

As well, the technological capabilities offered by OpenAI will greatly enhance Niriqatiginnga’s project’s ability to address pressing societal issues and community-identified challenges such as northern food insecurity, climate change adaptation, and northern supply chain efficiencies. As a capacity-building and sectoral development program, Niriqatiginnga supports self-determination through arts and cultural entrepreneurship, and broader goals of advancing economic reconciliation and empowerment for northern and Indigenous communities.

Thanks and Acknowledgements: 

Join us as we continue to explore the impact of technology-enabled approaches to advancing northern food security, economic reconciliation, and sectoral development. As this year’s project activities progress, the team will have regular project updates, survey results, and upcoming initiatives posted on our Niriqatiginnga Food Sector News page.

Follow the project’s journey at:

We would like to thank OpenAI and their Researcher Access Program for supporting our Niriqatiginnga project activities. We also acknowledge funding and support from Manitoba Agriculture and the Sustainable Canadian Agricultural Partnership – Indigenous Food Systemsprogram, and the Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada Indigenous Intellectual Property Protection Program. The Niriqatiginnga Youth, Arts and Media Team is funded by Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada and the Government of Canada’s Youth Employment and Skills Program.

Picture of Youth Arts and Media

Youth Arts and Media

The Youth Media Team supports participatory food security research, arts and organizational development. Through this program, funded by Agriculture Canada and the Government of Canada's Youth Employment Skills Strategy, Indigenous youth artists and early career communicators receive training and exposure to various forms of media and communication roles.

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