Read more about the article Supporting Food Literacy: Empowering Northern Communities for a Sustainable Future
Incubating Minnesota and Manitoba research collaboration: From art galleries to chocolate shops, creative leadership and climate entrepreneurship research supported by the Minneapolis College of Art and Design is bringing Manitoba, Minnesota and Nunavut communities closer together. This is an example of climate change and arts research friendshoring.

Supporting Food Literacy: Empowering Northern Communities for a Sustainable Future

In today's update, we'll explore the significance of food literacy within Niriqatiginnga's mission and how it empowers individuals and communities to make informed food choices for a sustainable future.

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Using the Arts in support of inclusive and participatory learning environments

Ethan Tassiuk, Chase Nogasak, Eriel Lugt and Maeva Gauthier led a hybrid roundtable discussion on the use of arts in support of inclusive and participatory learning environments at the University of Winnipeg June 21, 2022. The special session was held during Auviqsaqtut, the 2022 Inuit Studies Conference held in Winnipeg, June 19-22, 2022. #CINUK

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