
Ideas: Relationship Development and Engagement Activities for aspiring food entrepreneurs

This weekend, we held a small workshop to clean up the Niriqatiginnga web site, re-work some of our content and start scheduling out some of the many events that we will be taking part in during 2023-2024.

Results of our weekend workshop.

This weekend, we held a small workshop to clean up the Niriqatiginnga web site, re-work some of our content and start scheduling out some of the many events that we will be taking part in during 2023-2024. While talking about other programs we’re applying to, we thought the UArctic Entrepreneurship Fund would be a great initiative to look into as well. 

The first round of applications for the new University of the Arctic Entrepreneurship Fund is closing soon. The deadline for applications is October 27, 2023. So we started working on a submission!

Being able to build relationships and engage with programs like the University of the Arctic Entrepreneurship Fund could give us ideas for our own programming. This is important as we start to explore what the Niriqatiginnga youth entrepreneurship components could look like moving forward as a structured social program. 

We are also thinking to submit this to Manitoba Agriculture’s Sustainable Canadian Agriculture Partnership program. Many of the activities we are proposing to do involve supporting initiatives, priorities, and innovative partnerships to enhance relationships with Indigenous peoples.

We believe relationship development and engagement activities such as what we’re proposing here could contribute to increasing Indigenous participation and opportunities in Manitoba’s agriculture and agri-food economy, while actively working to address issues of northern food insecurity.

Interested in learning more? Check out our draft submission materials and notes by clicking here.

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@1860 Winnipeg Arts

@1860 Winnipeg Arts is a small, community-driven arts entrepreneurship and cultural entrepreneurship program in Winnipeg, Manitoba.

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Our program began with a pilot program aimed at building organizational capacity for digital arts administration, skills development and training. It is supported by the non-profit organization Niriqatiginnga.

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