
Arts-based inquiry is like a fun and creative way of learning. It's when your teachers use art, like drawing, painting, music, or even dancing, to help you understand and explore different topics. So, you're not just reading from a textbook or listening to a teacher talk; you're using art to learn.
Arts-based inquiry is like a fun and creative way of learning. It's when your teachers use art, like drawing, painting, music, or even dancing, to help you understand and explore different topics. So, you're not just reading from a textbook or listening to a teacher talk; you're using art to learn.

Arts Terms! What does ‘arts based inquiry’ mean?

This season, we're doing a lot of learning about terminology for the arts sector. One of the questions that came up recently was a question about what arts based inquiry means.

This season, we’re doing a lot of learning about terminology for the arts sector. One of the questions that came up recently was a question about what arts based inquiry means.

Imagine you’re in school, and usually, you learn different subjects like math, science, and history. But sometimes, instead of just using books and lectures, your teachers say, “Let’s use art to learn!”

Arts-based inquiry is like a fun and creative way of learning. It’s when your teachers use art, like drawing, painting, music, or even dancing, to help you understand and explore different topics. So, you’re not just reading from a textbook or listening to a teacher talk; you’re using art to learn.

Now, the cool thing is, arts-based inquiry is often done with your classmates. It’s a team effort. Together, you all work on a special question or problem, like “How can we protect our environment?” or “What was life like a long time ago?” And you use art to find answers and come up with new ideas.

So, instead of just sitting at a desk and memorizing facts, you get to be creative. You might draw pictures, make songs, or even put on a play to explore and understand these questions. It’s like a big, fun adventure of learning through art!

And as you do this, you become more open-minded because there’s no one right answer. You get to explore and experiment to find your own understanding of the topic. It’s like going on a creative journey to discover new things and build knowledge in a really cool way.

So, in a nutshell, arts-based inquiry is when you and your friends use art to learn about interesting stuff, work together to find answers, and become more creative and open-minded along the way. It’s a fun way to explore the world around you!

Picture of Jamie Bell

Jamie Bell

Jamie Bell is a skilled media and interdisciplinary arts professional with extensive experience in journalism, public affairs and media. A long-time arts administrator, Jamie is a founding member of the @1860 Winnipeg Arts Program.

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Our program began with a pilot program aimed at building organizational capacity for digital arts administration, skills development and training. It is supported by the non-profit organization Niriqatiginnga.

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