
While it's nice to receive free t-shirts at events, we must ask ourselves—do these gestures truly address the deeper needs of our communities? The reality is that symbolic gestures aren't enough when there are pressing issues like food security that need real, sustainable solutions.

You can’t eat a t-shirt

This powerful quote cuts to the heart of an important issue: materialism and the often superficial nature of some well-meaning activities.

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Niriqatiginnga founding member Tony Eetak is this year's youth artist-in-residence with the Winnipeg-based nonprofit.

Mindset matters.

Growing an arts organization from the ground up as an Indigenous youth emerging artist requires harnessing the power of innovative ideas, community unity, and kindness, fostering both personal and collective dignity along the way.

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SDG 1: We're using the arts to end poverty in all its forms. Learn more about our Winnipeg digital arts, entrepreneurship and food security programming.