Weekly Meeting Formats and Basic Agendas

A simple template and agenda format for how our weekly @1860 Winnipeg team meetings and training sessions are structured. 

Exploring Implementation of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples through arts and participatory organizational development


1. Welcome and introductions (5 minutes):

Allow time for everyone to introduce themselves and any new members to be welcomed.

During the introductions part of the meeting, the facilitator can start by introducing themselves and then ask each participant to introduce themselves by stating their name, the type of art they work with, and what they hope to achieve during the incubator program.

This can help break the ice and create a more comfortable environment for participants to share their ideas and collaborate with others. Additionally, if there are new members, the facilitator can introduce them and give a brief overview of the program to ensure everyone is on the same page.

2. Recap of the last week's activities (10 minutes):

Review the progress made since the last meeting and any important updates or milestones achieved.

This could include discussing any accomplishments, challenges or obstacles they encountered, and any additional support they may need to move forward with their projects. It’s an opportunity to celebrate achievements and brainstorm solutions to any issues that may arise.

It is important to keep the discussion focused and to ensure everyone has the chance to contribute to the conversation.

3. Upcoming events (15 minutes):

Each member will report on any upcoming events, exhibitions, or performances they have planned or participated in since the last meeting.

This is an opportunity for members to share their successes and challenges with the group, and receive feedback and support from their peers. Members may also use this time to make announcements or seek assistance from the group.

This section of the meeting is important for keeping everyone up to date on the progress of individual and group projects, as well as fostering a sense of community and collaboration within the incubator program.

4. Individual and team project updates (15 minutes):

Members will discuss their progress on their individual and team projects and identify any challenges or obstacles that need to be addressed. 

During the individual group update section of the meeting, each member of the arts incubator program will have the opportunity to provide an update on their individual and/or team projects. 

This is a chance for members to share their progress, ask for feedback or support, and identify any challenges or obstacles they are facing. Other members of the group may offer suggestions or solutions, and the facilitator can provide guidance or resources as needed. This section is important for promoting accountability and ensuring that all members are making progress towards their goals.

5. General group discussion (20 minutes):

Open the floor for a general group discussion where members can share ideas, ask questions, and seek feedback from the group.
During the general group discussion, members of the arts incubator program can share their progress, challenges, and successes with their individual or team projects.

This is also an opportunity for members to provide feedback and support to one another. The group discussion can also be used to brainstorm new ideas or potential collaborations.

It is a time for open communication and collaboration within the group.

6. Wrap-up and next steps (10 minutes):

During the wrap up portion of the meeting, the facilitator will summarize the key points discussed during the meeting and ensure that everyone understands what needs to be done before the next meeting. Any action items or tasks will be assigned to individuals or teams and deadlines will be set. The facilitator will also ask for any final comments or questions before concluding the business part of the meeting.


Dr. Olaf Kuhlke explains the Our People, Our Climate art initiative during meetings at the Niizhwaaso Collaborative Research Centre at Qaumajuq and the Winnipeg Art Gallery in April 2022.

7. Workshop Session (60-90 minutes)

During the second component of the meeting, the group will work on one of the many workshop sessions available. This can involve hands-on activities or discussions focused on specific skills or topics related to the arts and cultural entrepreneurship. If a guest speaker or special visitor is in attendance, they could also be given time during this component of the meeting to share their experiences and insights with the group.

There should also be time for group discussion and feedback following the workshop or guest speaker presentation.

8. Wrap-up and Next Steps (10 minutes)

Recap what was accomplished in the workshop session, and discuss any next steps or plans for the upcoming week.

9. Closing Remarks (5 minutes)

End the meeting with any final comments or reminders.


We gratefully thank and acknowledge this project was made possible with financial support from the Canada Council for the Arts Digital Greenhouse in 2022 and the Manitoba Arts Council Indigenous 360 Program in 2023.