Week Four: Editing for Digital Photography

The editing-related components of this 90-minute digital photography workshop include transferring photographs to a laptop and editing them using photo editing software such as Adobe Lightroom or Photoshop.

This lesson builds on Week Three: Digital Photography

 The teacher demonstrates basic editing techniques such as adjusting exposure, contrast, and saturation, and students are given the opportunity to practice these techniques on their own photographs. The workshop emphasizes the importance of editing as an integral part of the digital photography process and provides students with the tools to improve the overall quality of their photographs.

  1. Editing (20 minutes)

  • After students have taken photographs, have them transfer their images to the laptop and open them in photo editing software.
  • Demonstrate how to edit basic settings such as exposure, contrast, and saturation.
  • Have students edit their photographs using the software.
  1. Sharing and Critique (20 minutes)

  • Have students share their photographs with the class.
  • Provide constructive feedback and critique, focusing on the camera settings and composition used.
  1. Wrap-up (10 minutes)

  • Review the main points of the workshop.
  • Encourage students to continue practicing their digital photography skills.


  • The teacher can assess students’ participation in the hands-on practice and their understanding of camera settings and composition.


  • Students can be assigned to take photographs on a specific topic (such as nature or architecture) and present their best images to the class.
  • Students can be encouraged to continue practicing their digital photography skills and sharing their photographs on social media or a class website.