Kivalliq Energy Forum joins Northern Perspectives Conference in return to Winnipeg

Northern Perspectives conference has returned to Winnipeg in partnership with the Kivalliq Energy Forum. Delegates from across Manitoba and Nunavut are gathering this week at Qaumajuq and the Winnipeg Art Gallery.

Northern Perspectives conference has returned to Winnipeg in partnership with the Kivalliq Energy Forum. Delegates from across Manitoba and Nunavut are gathering this week at Qaumajuq and the Winnipeg Art Gallery. The highly popular and successful artists market, featuring Inuit art from across the Kivalliq region, will also be returning to the conference as one of its signature events.

Today, Tuesday, February 27, 2024, the Kivalliq Energy Forum begins with registration and set-up at the Winnipeg Art Gallery Main Hall, and sponsored by the Makigiaqta Inuit Training Corp. Attendees will be able to explore the Trade Show at the Skylight Gallery, hosted by the Kivalliq Inuit Association, showcasing various innovations within the energy sector. Simultaneously, the Arts Market, funded by the Kakivak Association & GN Dept. of Economic Development & Transportation, provides a platform for local artisans at Ilavut with Qaumajuq.

At the WAG Muriel Richardson Auditorium, Tara Tootoo Fotheringham, President of the Kivalliq Chamber of Commerce, will deliver opening remarks and welcome participants. There will be a special qulliq lighting to start the conference. The first session, moderated by Martha Lenio, President of the Arctic Renewables Society, features an overview of the Kivalliq Energy Forum, including discussions on renewable energy projects in the region.

Manitoba Premier Wab Kinew was the keynote speaker for this year’s Kivalliq Energy Forum.

Throughout the day, the conference unfolds with various sessions and discussions. After the opening remarks, attendees delve into the first conference session, which provides insights into renewable energy projects in the Kivalliq region. Moderated by Martha Lenio, the session features speakers from different organizations, including Anne-Raphaëlle Audouin, CEO of Nukik Corporation, and Blaine Chislett, Manager of Energy & Sustainability at Sakku Investments Corp.

Following a health break sponsored by Penn-Co Construction Canada 2003 Ltd., the conference continues with sessions on territorial and regional updates regarding renewable energy across Nunavut. Moderated by Martha Lenio, this session includes speakers such as Bill Nippard, CEO of Qulliq Energy Corporation, and Klaus Dohring, President of Green Sun Rising.

The day’s final session explores community energy planning, funding opportunities, and roundtable discussions. Moderated by Martha Lenio, this session features speakers like Jordan Blake, Energy Policy Advisor at the Nunavut Climate Change Secretariat, and Barb Gray, Environmental Policy Analyst at Northern REACHE (CIRNAC).

In the evening, participants gather for the opening meet and greet at the Main Hall, sponsored by the GN Dept. of Economic Development & Transportation. Tara Tootoo Fotheringham, President of the Kivalliq Chamber of Commerce, serves as the emcee, welcoming speakers such as Stephen Borys, CEO of the Winnipeg Art Gallery, and representatives from the GN Dept. of Economic Development & Transportation.

This year’s artists market and Northern Perspectives Conference were featured on CBC Igalaaq with host Eva Michael.

2024 Northern Perspectives and the Kivalliq Energy Forum is a business and cultural showcase of Nunavut with focus on expanding the economic opportunities within Nunavut and partnership opportunities with businesses from Manitoba. The conference session component will focus on what is happening in Nunavut and explore opportunities that are available while looking at ways to strengthen economic ties and build partnerships that can help assist Nunavut and Nunavut businesses reach their true potential.

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@1860 Winnipeg Arts

@1860 Winnipeg Arts is a small, community-driven arts entrepreneurship and cultural entrepreneurship program in Winnipeg, Manitoba.

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