Local Services Board of Melgund – Nov. 18, 2024

The Dyment Recreation Hall has additional space for community activities and events thanks to support from the Nuclear Waste Management Organization.
The Dyment Recreation Hall has additional space for community activities and events thanks to support from the Nuclear Waste Management Organization.

Melgund Township, November 20, 2024 – On November 18th, 2024, the Local Services Board (LSB) of Melgund gathered at the Community Hall for their monthly meeting, with several key updates discussed and decisions made. The meeting, which began at 7:00 pm, saw active participation from board members including Janet Connor, Morris Robinson, Michelle Robinson, Pete Dunham, Terri Bell, Pat Daignault, and Karen Daignault.

One of the main highlights of the evening was the approval of the 2024-2025 budget, which totaled $46,340. The budget, which was broken down by Janet Connor, received full approval from the board. This ensures that important community projects, such as the ongoing cookshack addition funded by the NWMO, continue moving forward.

In other business, the board awarded the snow plowing contract for the upcoming winter season to Dan Montgomery, who submitted the most competitive tender at $225 per call-out. The decision ensures the community will be well-maintained throughout the colder months.

Another key topic was the community’s website. Pat Daignault has volunteered to take on the responsibility of managing the dymentcommunity.com website, ensuring it remains up-to-date with relevant community information and photographs. The website’s renewal was also approved for another year, ensuring continued online presence.

Looking ahead, the board is excited to announce two upcoming events. The Dyment Community Christmas Supperwill be held on Saturday, December 7th, 2024, at 5 pm. This festive potluck event promises a delightful evening of food, games, and community spirit. In addition, Games Night will return in January 2025, with pizza served alongside games for everyone to enjoy.

Volunteers are still needed for various community roles, including the garbage roster for January, June, and July. The board encourages all residents to get involved in supporting these important activities.

The next LSB meeting will take place on December 16th, 2024, at 7 pm at the Community Hall. The meeting will continue to focus on ensuring that Melgund’s community services and events run smoothly throughout the winter and into the new year.

For more information on these updates or to volunteer, community members are encouraged to reach out to any LSB member or attend the next meeting.

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