digital arts

Using the Arts in support of inclusive and participatory learning environments

Ethan Tassiuk, Chase Nogasak, Eriel Lugt and Maeva Gauthier led a hybrid roundtable discussion on the use of arts in support of inclusive and participatory learning environments at the University of Winnipeg June 21, 2022. The special session was held during Auviqsaqtut, the 2022 Inuit Studies Conference held in Winnipeg, June 19-22, 2022. #CINUK

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Exploring Implementation of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples through arts and participatory organizational development

Winnipeg Workshop: Incubating Digital and Cultural Entrepreneurship for Arts, Research & Recreation 

In this series of workshop sessions, we will describe the conversations that led to the project, share the Canada Council for the Arts grant details, and address the opportunities that the digital/cultural incubator provides for local communities. Also, these sessions provide an overview of the participatory process that will be used to set up future digital development activities. 

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