Tuesday Meetings Cancelled: Resuming Nov. 22

This year, we're excited to be taking part in Global Dignity Day with Global Dignity Canada and @1860 Winnipeg Arts. Join us on October 18, 2023 for this year's event.

Tuesday update meetings are cancelled due to scheduling, people on travel, construction of the new creative community space, but will resume again on Nov. 22. There is a lot of construction at the hall and we’re looking forward to resuming regular meetings.

Friday and Saturday morning meetings are still taking place.

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Skills, like arts and crafts, come in many styles, shapes, and sizes—differentiation recognizes this diversity, tailoring opportunities to meet individual needs and strengths.

Differentiation of Instruction: Cultivating Talent and Collaboration

We are always exploring and learning about different approaches to arts programming! Jamie Bell and the Art Borups Corners team are redefining collaboration by tailoring opportunities to align with each participant’s passions and skills—whether they’re emerging artists, seasoned creators, or behind-the-scenes supporters.

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